How to Store your mixed Oil Paints

How to Store your mixed Oil Paints

A common question Leah at Natural Earth Paints gets is.... "After mixing up a large batch of Earth Oil Paint, how do I keep it wet for a long period?"

This answer could also apply to any oil paints that you use. Here are a few options (the first is Leah’s favorite)...

  1. At the end of a day's painting, scrape any leftover colors into small squares of foil, fold the foil over so that the paint is airtight. Smudge a little bit of the color onto the outside of the foil to identify it.
  2. Put two drops of clove oil in your paints when you mix them. Note: There is a slight risk of clove oil darkening your paint in the long term.
  3. Put a small sponge in your palette box and add a drop or two of clove oil to the sponge to keep paints pliant
  4. Smear some clove oil inside of a small glass jar, put the jar upside down over glob of paint on glass palette
  5. Put Cling film over your palette.
  6. Put covered palette in fridge.
  7. If you mix up a very large amount, you can use an empty paint tube, scoop the paint with a palette knife into the tube and seal it up, airtight.